Getting Glasses Into Inventory.
Getting Glasses Into Inventory.
Putting glasses into the boxes.
Applying the labels to the glasses.
Glasses in the boxes.
Putting boxes into the duffle bags.
Measuring the eyes.
Optical clinic leader and some happy patients.
Happy with his new glasses.
Happy with her glasses.
New glasses for the man.
New glasses for the teacher.
New glasses for the farmer.
New glasses for the lady.
Glasses too big for us but wonderful for him.
Happy with his new glasses.
Buffalo is very happy now.
Buffalo After.
India, 2008
Below is a testimonial about this trip to India. Click here to see a video of a testimonial. High Speed internet connection only!! Even animals were helped. Click here to see (a little humor).
From: Jim Nicolls []
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 8:51 PM
To: 'Holland Kendall <Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc.>'
Subject: Greeting from Arnold Missouri
I want to take this opportunity to thank you so much for sharing your ministry with us. After our experience in India I have no doubt that we will be want to make this a regular part of many of our international mission trips, certainly next year to India. The date for that will be December 27 through January 11 again. We also have adopted an Unreached Population segment in Central Mexico where we work in some remote mountain villages. We have several trips scheduled for 2008, see the attached mission outline and trip schedule. If you have equipment available for any of the scheduled dates we will want to consider adding the eye-glass clinic to them as well.
Regarding the $2000 deposit we made in November, Pastor Bob wanted that to be a love offering to your ministry.
Again, thanks much for your help,
Your partner in spreading the Gospel…
Jim Nicolls
"In the potters hand" Jeremiah 18:4
First Baptist Church, Arnold
(314) 913-0269
Visit us on the web