Pictures will soon be available.
Mexico 2008
This is a testimonial which I received from the optical team leader:
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 4:04 PM
To: Holland Kendall, President:Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc.
Subject: 1st Baptist Cobden, Illinois Mission Trip!
May God richly bless you for your efforts! This past week we were able to get 3,000 pair of eyeglasses into Mexico and saw 444 patients in 4 days! 130 prayed to receive Christ! The clinic went smooth, the equipment performed just as you trained us, the smiles came just as you said they would and God's presence was evident! We ministered to small villages nine hours into the desert where they get no care at all. The glassed were truly life-changing for many people! We were privileged to get to know you and use your ministry. We have
our kit reserved for next year already! Pictures are forthcoming and I next day mailed the kit back to you this morning.
Thanks again.
Brian K. Lukes