South Africa, 2008
Here is a message I received from Penny Stevens after she returned from South Africa:
From: jim stevens []
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:36 AM
To: Holland Kendall, President: Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc.
Subject: Re: Lighter Kit
Having used your equipment from the Kendall Optometry Ministry was amazing. Our team was able to see 120 children in 3 1/2 hours using the autofractor. The kids were so good about getting the drops and sitting still. Out of those 120 children, we found seven children who needed glasses. The ages of the children ranged from two to five years old. For the seven children who will receive glasses it will be life changing for them. I can't imagine not be able to see at that age and not know there is a problem with their eyes. It was a blessing for the eye team to be able to use the eye equipment to find out what each child's needs were and address them. All together we were able to serve 450 people.
It was truly a blessing to be able to give out glasses the same day as they got the examination of their eyes. With your program we were able to give everyone and a pair of glasses. The smiles and the hugs that I got from those who benefited from the eyeglasses ministry you founded was so amazing.
Thank you Holland for sharing your ministry with the whole world and spreading the good news about JESUS. God's kingdom is a much better place with amazing people like yourself.
Your sister in Christ,