From: Bruce Nettleton []
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 9:59 AM
To: Holland Kendall
Subject: pictures
Our Mission was to Ciudad de Constitucion, Peru. This is a village of a few thousand people on the Rio Palcazo, at the edge of the Amazon Jungle.
As you know, we've been involved in medical missions and optometry missions for several years using a variety of techniques for reading the perscriptions. We've done the old fashioned paddles, the focometer, and the ever faithful "How many fingers am I holding up" method. In truth, all of these methods allowed us to help people see better. But our results this year, using the autorefractor provided by your ministry, were astonishing. We were able to fit more people with far more accuracy than ever before.
I know the autorefractor is the heart of your ministry, but even more valuable to us was your inventory management system, which helped us immensely in finding that "just right" pair of glasses for odd perscription (which flourish on the mission field!) If I had to, I could go back to the paddles and racks to read scrips, but I'll never go back to our old manual inventory system.
Even more valuable than the tools you provided us were your prayers, know-how, and support. You helped us make all the right contacts and ask all the right questions. Your ministry made our ministry better.
Bruce N.