All their glasses.
Fitting glasses.
Measuring the eyes.
Repairing Glasses.
Reading Burmese Reading Chart.
Burma, 2013
Thanks to Kendall Optometry N/inistry, we were all trained to use a refractor and give out prescription and reader eye glasses. We had over 3,000 pairs of donated prescription eye glasses and several hundred readers. All of our reader glasses were given out along with a few hundred of our donated prescription eye glasses. Over 700 patients were seen. Only God could have provided a pair of glasses for each and every patient we saw.
Here is a message from the team leader, Dr William Johanson right after he returned:
From: []
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 10:11 PM
Subject: myanmar
Greetings to the Kendalls, and best wishes to you all.
Just returning from Myanmar, good trip, great outreach, many got to see better with their eyes through the eye clinics(600 readers, 200+ rx glasses dispensed), more importantly, 664 made first time professions of faith in Jesus, encouraged by the caring through sharing in the clinics.
The eye clinics went well; all involved, Anita Liu, Dianne Ruprich, Vanessa Scheu, and myself were able to follow your directions and offer a good service;
I am most improved, mainly because I started so low in computer comprehension; Anita didn't quite understand why you mentioned especially praying for me, until she met me. I may make it to the 21st century, yet.
Customs went through the eye kits, and in the somewhat rushed repacking in the airport line, the refractometer cord got packed in the other case; all should be heading your way tomorrow via UPS.
I have enclosed tokens of appreciation to you both in the laptop case; many thanks for what you have done, do and will do for Him, and your neighbor, including us/me. We were faithful in watching over / carrying the cases; we even have pictures of me at work for the eye department(refracting, carrying cases, watching), and if I can figure out how to download pictures from discs, chips, emails, etc, I'll try to send it your way.
Blessings to you both, Bill Johanson