Honduras, 2013
Here is the testimony from the Optical Team leader:
From: John Evans [jevans894@xxx.xxx]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 10:07 PM
To: Holland Kendall
Subject: Re: Status of kit.
Hope you had a great trip to Honduras! If you are like me, you are exhausted, but your
heart is on fire. Here is a brief testimonial and a few pictures of our recent trip:
Our group returned to our sister parish in Texiguat, Honduras from January 29
through February 5, 2013. Due to traveling to Tegucigalpa to celebrate with our
brothers and sister the Festival of Our Lady of Suyapa, we only had time for three days
of clinic. This is our third trip and this time we traveled to some more distant and
remote villages. Only one of the villages had electricity and it had electricity in only
one room of the school where we tested eyes. We were able to use the DieHard 425
Watt Power Inverter with the battery in the truck. We ran the equipment without fail as
we were able to get close enough to use an extension cord to run the electricity to the
clinic area. We ran the truck periodically to keep the battery charged as we recalled the
battery being drained after running it about 6 hours on a previous trip. Thank goodness
they had jumper cables!
But that is merely the technical aspect to this trip. The equipment and software
ran flawlessly to restore vision to these grateful villagers that are too distant to ever be
tested for and receive glasses. The smiles were numerous both for the people and for
us to see their happiness. We only dispensed 100 prescription glasses in the three
days, but gave sunglasses to over 400 people and tested and dispensed about 250
readers. But these were small villages and some people walked over two hours from
the even more remote homes surrounding the villages. We celebrated mass with the
people prior to the clinics in thanksgiving for the blessing that we are able to share
with our brothers in Christ. Love of God and love of neighbor was in full force.
Thank you for developing this system to deliver glasses to our brothers in even
some of the poorest and most remote locations on the planet. Peace and blessings to
you always!
John & Kathy Evans